Have a Safe Labor Day Barbecue

If you plan to celebrate summer’s last days with a cookout, then there are a few safety tips you should know before firing up the grill. Grilled food is usually a better choice than fried or creamy foods because there’s no coating and no grease. The smoke, rubs and marinades add an unbeatable flavor that make grilling appealing, not to mention bringing the party outside into the great outdoors. But that same smoke and fire that create the yummy charring everyone likes on their meat can be harmful.
Compounds called PAH and HCA can form when fat drips onto hot coals or the grill’s heating element. When a flame-up occurs, these compounds are deposited on food. Vegetarians get to bypass these risks, because grilling fruits and vegetables does not form the compounds.
If you are eating meat, then go for the leanest cuts to reduce fat dripping onto the coals, and try some grilled veggies as a side dish and fruit as dessert – the antioxidants can help fight carcinogens. Marinating is a perfect way to infuse flavor into meats, and it can reduce the formation of HCAs by up to 99 percent. Don’t baste meats in the liquid in which they marinated – this can pass on bacteria. Instead, set aside marinade for basting before adding the meat. Cut down on your grilling time, and flip early and often to prevent HCAs from forming on hamburger patties. Try kebabs with smaller pieces of meat to cut cooking time and include those valuable veggies.