Half-Time Show: A Simple Way to Cut Calories

When it comes to the obesity crisis, it’s hard to deny that a lack of portion control is a huge part of the problem. In this super-sized society, we wrongly believe that bigger is better and the more, the merrier. But most experts agree it’s portion distortion that’s making Americans fat. And some of the biggest purveyors of these piggish platters are your favorite restaurants. A study conducted by Clemson University surveyed 300 chefs and found major discrepancies between serving sizes of the USDA and those served to patrons. A pasta serving is supposed to be one ounce; however, many chefs serve six to eight times that. As for steaks, they weigh in at a whopping 12 ounces instead of the suggested 5.5 ounces.
You may not be in control of the kitchen when dining out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t downsize. Here are a couple of ways to cut your calorie costs. Have the server bring out a to-go container with your entrée. Immediately place half the portion into the box to prevent you from overeating. Or split your entrée with a fellow diner. You’ll save money and calories. Or why not order two appetizers or an appetizer and side salad as your meal? Remember, it is possible to have too much of a good thing, and that’s exactly what you want to avoid. Use these tips to keep yourself in line. By bagging half of your dish, you’ll also have a whole ‘nother meal on your hands. Who can beat two for the price of one?