Get Online To Get The Weight Off

When it comes to dieting, your computer can be your best weapon in the war against weight. There’s plenty of research backing up online weight loss services. A study conducted by Brown University showed that dieters who received weekly counseling from a therapist via the world wide web lost three times as much weight in six months as those individuals who only had access to diet and fitness info on the internet. An additional study conducted by the same researchers compared weight loss between a basic online weight loss program and one that offered counseling via email. The group that received counseling and feedback on their performance lost more weight than the individuals participating in a weight loss program with no feedback. A later study published in Obesity Research studied three test groups — dieters who had face-to-face support, dieters who had minimum face-to-face support and dieters who solely relied on internet support.
Participant who turned to internet dieting dropped the same amount as those who met with counselors over 18 months, making it just as effective. Of course, all online weight loss programs are not created equal. There are things you should look for before joining a program. For starters, find out if the plan was created by a licensed professional, preferably a registered dietitian. Look for programs that have different approaches to weight loss that fit your needs, whether it’s vegetarian, high-fiber or something else. Avoid fad diets or quick fixes with expensive must-have products. Before starting any weight loss program, speak with your doctor. Even some of the most popular brick-and-mortar programs such as Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers now have an online component. The bottom line is to do your research and find out as much as you can before joining a program.