All About Cooking Oil: Types, Techniques and Tips

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Canola oil, olive oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil? Or perhaps one of the other many varieties that you see on the shelf in the supermarket?

Which ones to choose for a healthy and flavorful meal? Which ones to avoid? Which ones to use for frying and which ones for salad dressings? And what is the difference between refined and unrefined oil? With all these questions, deciding which oil to use for cooking can be extremely confusing. But with a bit of knowledge of the main characteristics of various oils you will find it much easier to make the best choice for you. And knowing a few tricks will also help you to cook not only healthy but also savory.

Diet, health or flavor?

Perhaps the first thing to understand is what all these choices of cooking oil are all about. The "best" choice of cooking oil will depend not only on the oil's characteristics, but also on the point of view that is most important to you. When choosing a cooking oil, some have in mind the fat budget, others the cholesterol level and others the food flavor.

You can take into consideration all these aspects, but some depend more on the type of cooking oil while others depend more on the amount of oil that you use for cooking and on the cooking style. Having diet in mind, the sad truth is that all oils are pretty much the same: 100% fat.