Fat Alert: Drop the Muffins, Man!

Beware of the muffin. For years people have assumed that muffins are a healthy, diet-friendly option. When presented with the choice between a donut, a bagel or a muffin, they’ll opt for the latter, thinking it’s the best move for their waistline. However, that isn’t the case. Some muffins come with a heavy price in terms of fat, calories and sugar. In fact, they’re about as healthy as a piece of cake, a brownie or other sweet treats loaded with all the wrong things. A Starbucks Chocolate Cream Cheese muffin contains 450 calories and 24 grams of fat – that’s almost the equivalent to three glazed donuts from Dunkin Donuts. Stop by the local Au Bon Pain and order a pumpkin muffin and you’re setting yourself up for some major diet derailment. A pumpkin muffin weighs in at a whopping 470 calories, 14 grams of fat and 34 grams of sugar.
Even a Low-Fat Blueberry Muffin from Starbucks will set you back 430 calories and 2.5 grams of fat, not to mention 57 grams of sugar. That’s hardly a healthy meal if you ask us. There are some exceptions to the rules. Smart Ones has a Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffin with just 190 calories, 2 grams of fat and 14 grams of sugar. Jennie Craig’s Blueberry Muffin will only set you back 200 calories and 2.5 grams of fat. To stay on the safe side, check the nutritional values before you sink your teeth into this questionable breakfast staple. Make your own batch of muffins from healthier recipes. There are actually mixes that don’t call for oils and all of those other unhealthy ingredients. And always remember not to supersize it. If you’re considering consuming a whopper of a muffin, you’ll likely get a heaping helping of fat and calories along with it.