Safe Sex Tips

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Sex can be fun, but it should also be safe. Without trying to sound too much like a high school Sex-Ed class, when it comes to safe sex, abstinence is the only real guarantee you have for being 100% safe. There are however, a lot of helpful safe sex tips you can use to keep yourself, and your partner, as safe as possible when sex is part of your relationship.

Safe Sex Tip - Limit Your Sexual Partners

Every time you have sex with someone, you are exposing yourself to certain risks. By limiting your sexual partners you are reducing the chances of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). This can mean only being sexually active with one person at a time in a monogamous relationship, or just taking some extra time getting to know someone before deciding to go to bed together.

The fewer partners you have, the fewer risks there are. So before you decide to have sex with someone, make sure it's really worth it.

Safe Sex Tip - Discussing Your Sexual History

It might not sound very romantic, but discussing sexual history with your partner is important. Ideally, this would take place before you decide to have sex. If your partner refuses to discuss their sexual history, you might want to reconsider engaging in any sexual activity that could put your health and life at risk.