Celebrate National Wear Red Day

Today marks National Wear Red Day, the annual endeavor to raise awareness of women’s heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the United States. An estimated 650,000 people die every year from heart disease, accounting for about 27 percent of all deaths in the United States. National Wear Red Day is the first Friday in February, which also happens to be National Heart Health Month. Women are encouraged to don red in support of heart disease awareness. The Red Dress was chosen as a symbol to remind women of the importance of protecting their heart. Of course, you can also sport a red shirt, tie or even a Red Dress Pin. Recognizing the dangers of heart disease is of the utmost importance. Recent data from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute shows that women who have just one risk factor — whether it’s high blood pressure, smoking or obesity — double their risk of heart disease. In addition to observing the day of awareness, it’s crucial that both women and men take measures to lower their risk of heart disease. Quit smoking. Cut back on alcohol consumption. Exercise 30 minutes a day. Reduce your cholesterol. Limit unhealthy fats just as butter, margarine and shortening. Consume low-fat protein sources such as chicken, fish and lean meat. Legumes such as beans, peas and lentils are also good sources of proteins and less fat. Get your fill of vegetables and fruits. Also, indulge in whole grains, which are packed with vitamins and minerals.