Beware of the Silent Killer

You think you’re safe eating those “healthy” frozen entrees? Well, think again. They’re loaded with the silent killer, better known as sodium. Many people are so consumed by the fat and calorie content of foods that they overlook the sodium content. The problem with sodium is that it is hidden is so many foods, even those sweet treats you wouldn’t think had any salt. Sure, the body needs sodium — it helps maintain the proper balance of fluids, assists in transmitting nerve impulses and influences the movements of muscles. But there’s also a dark side to this staple. It’s a proven fact that sodium contributes to high blood pressure, heart disease, fluid retention and other health ailments. As it so happens, most of the sodium in our diets comes from table salt.
A dash here and there may not seem like much, but it adds up quickly. Consider that one teaspoon of table salt has a whopping 2,325 milligrams of salt. That’s a lot of sodium when you consider that the recommended daily amount is between 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams for a healthy adult. Another source of sodium overload is canned vegetables, soups, luncheon meats and other frozen foods. The good news is that there are ways to scale back on your sodium intake. Eat more whole fresh foods and cut back on processed foods. Hungry for soup? Make up a batch from scratch. When you’re shopping, keep an eye out for the low-sodium versions of your favorite foods. If a recipe calls for salt, eliminate it. Instead rely on herbs and spices to add flavor to your food. Your heart will thank you for it.