Add Avocado to Your Menu

Most people confuse an avocado as a vegetable when it’s actually a fruit. Whether used in a salad or prepared as guacamole, avocado isn’t just delicious — it packs a mean nutritional punch. Avocados, which are low in calories, are rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin C, thiamine and riboflavin. Each of these health-enhancing properties provide a different benefit — from converting carbs to glucose to fuel the brain and nervous system to enabling the body to release energy from proteins, carbs and fats. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fat, which has been shown to reduce cholesterol. When eaten with foods that contain fat-soluble nutrients like lutein, the avocado acts as a nutrient booster by helping the body absorb those important vitamins and minerals.
Ways to use avocados vary greatly. You can chop one up to top a salad – the creamy consistency balances the crunch of a salad nicely. Avocados go great in dips like guacamole, and they’re a wonderful substitute for saturated fat-rich mayo on a sandwich. Their creamy consistency makes them a perfect first fruit for babies when mashed or diced, plus they’re rich in folate, a necessary nutrient for a healthy pregnancy. It doesn’t take much avocado to reap health benefits. Two or three thin slices equal about an ounce, which packs just 50 calories. Add avocados to your healthy diet plan, and you’ll be adding vitamins, minerals and healthy fats – plus, they’ll fill you up and keep you satisfied!