Dream On: 10 Ways the Average Joe Would Spend $10K

When it comes to daydreaming about financial windfalls, it's a case of go big or go home. 

Seeing how money doesn't grow on trees, sweepstakes like the one offered by MyDailyMoment.com might be the next best thing. By entering to win the $10,000 grand prize, as well as weekly giveaways, a whopping financial windfall will become a reality for a lucky winner. {relatedarticles} 

Although it may not sound as enticing as the million-dollar jackpots offered by the lottery, a little can go a long way, especially for those people who don't have a nest egg socked away. A recent study conducted by the credit card comparison company CreditDonkey.com found that an estimated 41 percent didn't even have $500 on hand in case of an emergency.  

In fact, research conducted by the American Payroll Association determined that around two-thirds of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck with little money to spare. It's understandable why many people are often left feeling like they can never get ahead. But what if you were one of those people lucky enough to win a $10,000 prize, do you know how you would spend it?