In The Dark About School Happenings? Become a Class Act

When it comes to what's going on in your child's school, does it feel like you don't out those important nuggets of news until it's too late? Whether it's picture day, book fair, food drive or other events, you're probably familiar with the feeling of finding out about it after the fact. Although it might seem like your child's responsibility to ensure that your child to relay the details to you, don't count on it. As the parent, you may want to set a plan in motion to keep you informed. For some women, that might mean assuming the role of class mom. If you're up for the challenge, you'll likely be involved in planning class parties, chaperoning field trips and helping with various tasks. Of course, you'll also probably be in charge of a lot of the classroom correspondence, which means you'll know about things before they happen. If it seems like too much, there are other ways to stay involved.