Product Reviews: Foundation

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Natural foundations, particularly mineral foundations, are the best bet for oily skin. Jane Iredale's Amazing Base (average price; $35) is a loose mineral foundation that provides excellent coverage without weighing down your skin. Because it contains no bismuth, talc, or any other skin-clogging ingredients commonly found in other foundations, it works for women who are prone to acne and skin irritations.

If mineral foundation isn't your thing, there are more traditional cream foundations that work like a charm for oily skin. Laura Mercier Oil-Free Foundation (average price; $42) gives your skin a natural matte finish that conceals large pores and other imperfections.

Foundation for oily skin doesn't have to cost a fortune. There are drugstore cosmetics companies that pay attention to the ingredients they put in their products and that create foundations suitable for a variety of skin types. Neutrogena has a long history of creating products for women with acne-prone and/or oily skin. Their products are designed to work gently and give you a natural, never overdone appearance. Try their classic Healthy Skin Liquid Makeup with SPF 20 for a decent, $15-or-less option.

Dry Skin

Dry skin tends to show signs of aging more quickly than other skin types. If you have dry skin, it's important to address it with a daily skincare routine. You should choose a face wash that's creamy and rich, and avoid products with drying chemicals and astringents. In addition to using a facial moisturizer on a daily basis, you should also invest in a nourishing night cream. The sun can parch and damage dry skin, so whatever products you use for day should have some sun protection included.

When looking for a foundation, seek out formulas that are labelled for dry skin. The ads and packaging will often use key words such as "hydrating" or moisturizing." A moisturizing foundation doesn't have to be heavy in order to keep your skin in good shape. Makeup that contains too much oil or unnatural ingredients really isn't very good for any type of skin.