Hair: How to Revive Your Colored Hair

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Adding lowlights is a great idea for women who lighten their hair and find that it starts to look brassy and dried out. Darker hair colors are naturally more conditioning than lighter colors because of the absence of bleach. Adding low lights will give dimension and moisture to washed-out hair.

Highlights and Lowlights

Another way to revive your colored hair is to try a combination of highlights and lowlights. Using up to 3 different colors will make your hair appear thicker and more dimensional. Be careful of applying the colors in too regular of a pattern. This can cause a striped effect that will end up making your hair color look artificial.

Deep Conditioning Treatments

Coloring your hair can be damaging. Talk to your stylist about a deep conditioning treatment that you can do at home or in the salon. Keeping your hair conditioned will allow you to go for longer periods between color touch ups. Your hair will be healthier and won't get that dry, processed look so quickly.

Don't Shampoo Every Day

In addition to coloring your hair, shampooing every day will dry it out. When you shampoo your hair, you wash out essential oils that keep it moisturized and protected. Try going 2 or 3 days without a wash. If your hair starts to get a little oily, try wearing it in a ponytail to extend the time you go between washes.