Look Bikini-Ready in Minutes: Here's How

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Self-Tanner: Fake it ‘Til You Make It 

Tans and bikinis are like peanut butter and jelly – you don't really want one without the other.

But it becomes a case of the chicken and the egg in that you want to wear a bikini to get a tan, but you have to have a tan to look good in a bikini. The appeal of a tan is really a no-brainer. Tanned skin makes trouble spots look leaner, colors look brighter and flaws look less noticeable.  

A quick fix for a faux tan? A self-tanner with a bronzer. It's good practice to start using a gradual, moisturizing self-tanner the week before you hit the pool. If you're in a rush to don a natural-looking glow and be bikini-ready this afternoon, opt for a product with a bronzer in it for an immediately darker tone. For the facial area, you'll want to use a matte bronzer to avoid a greasy, harsh look.