Laser Hair Removal - Is it Right For You?

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Actually, almost everyone requires multiple treatment sessions for optimal results. This is because hair grows in cycles. Not all of the hairs are in the growth phase at any given time. Additional sessions insure that you catch all of the hairs when they are in the growth phase.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal
The costs of laser hair removal can vary depending on your location. However, they range from $300 to $500 per session. Because this is a form of medical care, it is always best to seek the clinic with the highest quality rather than the lowest price. Laser hair removal requires many years of training, individual attention, experience, and a trained, caring, and professional staff.

Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal
Most patients do experience some very minor side effects after each session. This is usually in the form of a mild sunburn-type sensation that goes away in 2-3 hours. Moisturizers and cool compresses can help to relieve any discomfort during this time. Any small blister areas that may appear should be treated with a topical antibiotic until resolved. Because you have been exposed to this particular form of light ray, sun block should be used for up to 6 weeks after treatment if you expect to be exposed to the sun. Any further instructions should be given by your doctor.

If you tired of waxing or shaving, laser hair removal may be the perfect solution for you. Now that you know more about it, you should be able to make the right choice for you.

Author Bio
For more information on laser hair removal, visit Your days of tweezing, waxing, and shaving may soon be over.

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