Keeping Your Teeth Picture Perfect

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It is great for small chips and gaps. It's also an opportunity to not invest a lot and still have a nice smile.

Bonding is best for children or teens, emergency applications, or someone with gum disease who can't invest long-term in the mouth. It costs less than veneers and crowns but it also doesn't last as long (five to ten years) and will stain.

A lot depends on the personal hygiene and habits of the patient. Smokers, coffee, and tea drinkers may want to cut down.

Usually performed under local anesthetic, the procedure can take anywhere from an hour for a chipped tooth to four hours for more teeth. Unlike bonding, porcelain veneers and crowns are created in a lab from molds of your teeth.

They won't stain, and last ten to fifteen years. Patients should be adults in good health and free from gum disease.