10 Shoes Every Woman Should Own

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It would be wonderful if women didn't need to own practical shoes. It's so much fun to shop for and wear Sex and the City-style stilettos and fashionable - if not functional - works of art. But there are some must-haves that you need for your shoe wardrobe. Here are 10 styles you shouldn't pass up. First, start with flats. A sassy pair of ballet flats will jazz up any jeans ensemble or add flair to a plain summer dress. Another great, casual option when you need a little more panache are platform or wedge sandals. The latest trends are wood and other natural materials, but you can go with whatever suits you. For summer, add a pair of metallic sandals that go with everything from maxi dresses to capris. Black pumps are a mainstay for many women's wardrobes, and for good reason. They match most anything and can double as office wear and evening wear. Grab a nude pair as well for a hot, leg-lengthening look.