Choked Up! 7 Foods That Can Kill Your Child

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A child who is choking should have the Heimlich maneuver performed. Stand or kneel behind the child and wrap your arms around him. Make a fist and place it just above the navel. Wrap your other hand around your fist and give quick, upward thrusts.

If the child begins coughing or breathing or the item is dislodged, then you can stop.

If the child isn't getting air and passes out, then you must begin CPR immediately. Never begin by blindly feeling for an item in the throat – only perform a finger sweep of the mouth and throat if you see the item and can grasp it easily. Otherwise, begin rescue breaths.

Begin with back blows for a child younger than 1 year old. A baby should be positioned face up on one forearm with the head cradled in the hand. Place the other hand and forearm on the baby, sandwiching him between your forearms.

Hold him tightly and flip him onto his stomach while holding his face and body in place with the bottom arm.