6 Ways to Ruin Your Children

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Kids don't come with an instruction manual, and there's no such thing as a perfect parent. You can read as many books as possible, talk to all the moms on the playground and pay for weekly therapy sessions, and you still might feel like you don't know what you are doing.

However, with the all DOs out there, ever wish you had a breakdown of the DON'Ts? Even if you think you're trying your best, it might not be enough. Take a look at this list of six sure-fire ways to create a ruined child.

  1. Give in - No matter what your children want, they get it. Whether it's the toy in line at the supermarket or the video game console that will cost you a week's pay, giving them everything they ask for is breeding ground for a brat.

    Many parents believe that denying a child their requests will make them seem like the enemy. However, kids need realistic expectations about how to earn things and the value of money and hard work.