Perfect Protein Sources for Kids

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Not only are these great sources of protein, but you can also use protein supplements to help your child get their recommended amount. Be sure to also read labels and look for foods that have at least 6 grams of protein.

Protein-Rich Meals

In just one day you can provide all the rich nutrients of protein that your child needs. Here are some ideas on meals that are rich in protein:

  • Breakfast Options- Scrambled eggs, peanut butter toast, yogurt, milk;
  • Lunch Options- Tuna fish sandwich, grilled cheese sandwich, peanut butter sandwich, macaroni and cheese, milk;
  • Dinner Options- Serving of fish, chicken or red meat; pasta with melted cheese; cheeseburger, cheese pizza, beans and rice, side of vegetables, milk;
  • Snack Options - Cheese, yogurt, nuts, sunflower seeds.

You can create any number of protein-rich meals using the list of perfect protein sources.