Why CPR is An M-U-S-T

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So it goes without saying that every parent should take a course in CPR, and there are plenty of opportunities to do so. Libraries, community centers, hospitals, doctors' offices all offer CPR classes where you can learn how to administer CPR to both adults and children. People can even take a class online if they don't have the time to physically attend a class. The three components of CPR are considered the ABCs. A is for airway - open his or her airway and make sure it isn't blocked. Do this by tilting the head back with one hand and slightly lifting the chin. B is for breathing - give rescue breaths into the child's mouth (airway). C is for circulation - do chest compressions to restore blood flow to the heart. Before starting CPR, it's important to make sure the person is not breathing. Tap on the child's foot or gently move his shoulders and try to get a response. If there is none, start CPR.