The 5-Second Rule: Is it Safe to Eat?

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But in the case of moist foods like meat, apple slices and gum, bacteria is more likely to attach more quickly to these surfaces than they are dry foods. Restaurant inspectors say that any food dropped on the floor or even a seemingly sanitized countertop should be thrown out. A box of produce that's been set on the floor then lifted to the counter picks up the same germs as the bottoms of shoes and will transfer those germs in its travels. Bottom line? When food is dropped in a public place, pick it up with a napkin and throw it away. Experts say that food dropped in the home, where "your" germs lurk, is probably OK, especially after giving it a wash. But to avoid getting sick, when in doubt, throw it out. After all, 5,000 people per year die after contracting foodborne illness - and it takes just five seconds.