How to Take Care of Yourself Postpartum

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Calcium is needed to rebuild bone lost during pregnancy - good sources include milk, broccoli and yogurt. Stay hydrated - but sip, don't slurp. Your bladder needs time to recover and for pelvic floor muscles to rebuild. Leakage is normal in the weeks and months postpartum. It's of utmost importance to take care of yourself after a C-section; in fact, you should consider getting help arranged while you're pregnant, just in case or if you know for a fact that you'll deliver via C-section. The wound will not allow for heavy lifting, cleaning or other tasks that you might be used to doing. You may even have problems feeding. Adjust your feeding position so that you don't put pressure on the incision, and report any signs of infection to your healthcare provider immediately. As you heal, keep a record of symptoms, concerns and questions that you should ask at your postpartum appointment. This way, you and your healthcare provider can make sure you're the healthiest mom you can be for your new baby.