Take the Stress Out of Family Vacations

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Put Together a Packing List

Packing at the last minute is a surefire way to forget something. Putting together a packing list ahead of time will save you lots of hassle and stress. Keep the list handy so that every time you think of something new, you can write it down.

A helpful tip is to set aside a morning where you write down everything you used in order to get ready for the day. This will help you to remember common items that you will need to pack. Take another look at your trip itinerary to get ideas about "just-in-case" and activity-specific items, like a bathing suit and hiking shoes.

Make sure your packing list is complete but not overboard. While it's certainly a pain to not have the appropriate clothing or enough of it, you create stress by over-packing. Lugging around a heavy, over-stuffed suitcase can put even the happiest camper in a foul mood. Pack only what you will truly need, taking into account the weather conditions and planned activities.

Put Together Travel Bags

Put together travel bags for your children or if you have teenagers, encourage them to put together their own travel bag, filled with fun things to do. Whether you are traveling by car, boat or plane, children can easily become bored. If you are prepared with some age-appropriate travel bags, the trip will be more enjoyable.

Not only do you want items that will keep them busy but you may need to pack drinks and snacks, as well.