Remaining Positive About Dating When You're Single

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For many singletons, it feels like the return on the investment you make while dating will never pay off in love. When your dating life feels like a hamster on a wheel, it's hard to feel positive about your future. But it is definitely possible to bloom where you're planted, as they say. Consider a few ways that you can stay positive about your love life when it seems like, date after date, it's going nowhere. First, raise your standards. Keep an open mind about guys you choose to date, but too many bad dates with guys who you'll never click with is sure to get discouraging. If you find that dates don't end well with a certain "type" of guy, then cast your net wider for different types of guys. Consider younger men if all you've been dating are older men, or vice versa. Take breaks from dating when you feel burnt out, and change up the venues and activities of your dates.