Kids' Fears, Demystified

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Some kids are fraidy-cats - worried and afraid about pretty much everything. For some, just the more common childhood fears apply. But for all parents, it's hard to see your child get completely freaked out about everyday occurrences. First, the fear of separation and being alone can worry a child. This can happen into elementary school, especially in a caregiver setting. It may be hard for you to do the first few times leaving your child in a new place, but putting on a happy face and sticking with the same good-bye routine each time you drop your child off can go a long way in allaying those fears. Get the child busy with an activity, then say goodbye to her cheerfully and leave, without returning and interrupting the transition. If it's a problem at home, then make being alone a game. Sit across the room, or walk into the closet and close the doors. Talk to the child as you maintain distance, increasing that distance until you're in another room for up to 30 seconds - never leave a child unattended, however. Night can hold the biggest fears for little kids, whether it's monsters or fear of the dark.