The Sun, Moon and Rising Sign in Astrology

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The Sun Sign is what most people are aware of because it is easy to calculate and used most frequently by the general population.

The symbolism associated with this planet shows us how we consciously express ourselves - I liken the process of discovering our 'Sun' to the process of individuation as described by Carl Jung. Depending on the placement of the Sun and its relationship to the other planets this may be a process that is easy or difficult. The actual Sun itself I relate to the animus.

Men tend to associate with the Sun more naturally/easily than woman because it is a masculine energy and psychologically represents the father and authority figures as well as identity and ego. Other keywords associated with the Sun include vitality and purpose.

In a woman's chart the Sun can represent what type of characteristics she finds attractive in a partner or that she experiences through her father and other important men in her life.


The Moon changes sign roughly every 2 1/2 days, depending on how fast it is traveling at the time. In Jungian terms I feel there is a strong link between the Moon and the anima.