Is Astrology a True Science?

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When the planets decide to take an unfriendly interest in you, worry not as you can protect yourself with an astrological armlet. For more information see chapter 16, "Outwitting the Stars" in the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual classic, which explains this in detail.

The whole idea is that if you do not protect yourself constantly when you are healthy those karmic laws begin to come to collect bills. Children should learn these laws to be able to take care of themselves. You must reprogram the computer of your subconscious mind with strong positive affirmations.

Astrology is a scientific study of the astronomical influences which comes at certain periods of your life according to the planetary conjunctions of certain planets and time specific magnetic fields, attraction and repulsion. And you are born at the very specific time where specific conjunctions are there and which guide your entire life if you do not control your destiny by willpower.

How can you control your destiny? Take Nostradamus, who with great accuracy could see four hundred years into the future happenings of the world. He predicted the colossal drought which is happening in parts of the world today and all the starvation in Africa. You see, the future is already made, the movie is finished. It is all there on the big screen of this cosmic drama. But you can change your destiny. Fate means that you make absolutely no effort to stop all kinds of things from happening to you. You let yourself sink into the misery of the experiences of life because the moment you suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, you start fighting like a wild animal; then you begin to remember who you are. The soul does not evolve, it must be reawakened. The quicker you learn how to control your destiny the less suffering you will have.