Is Astrology a True Science?

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All the prophecies of the happenings on earth as well as human earthy affairs are not necessarily predestined. Previous events that have taken place in a earlier time period have left vibratory /images in the ether. There are some who posses a slight amount of psychic ability or power who have a sensitivity and may occasionally tune in and see visual images or mental visions but not as a science or art that can be reliably practiced. Likewise, according to the heavenly ordinance of karmic law of cause and effect vibratory potentials are thrust into the ether of future events and have a likely consequence of causes or effects that were previously initiated.

However causes that were originated from human actions and forming as future events are not necessarily inevitable, they change and can evolve drastically according to the actions of man's free choice by transmuting energy and integrating into those cause and effect vibrations. Those who have the ability to link the future and past according to existing conditions can predict a certain outcome. Alter those conditions and the result may cancel out the prediction. By misreading the heavenly scriptural signs and duped by their mind's eye they find themselves embarrassed as doomsday prophets. Very rare and in tune with the divine will, only a real prophet can make accurate and true predictions. When the prophets make known some fortuitous divine plan, years ahead at times, it is a definitive testimony.

This is not a simple business, so if you consider yourself to be an astrologer, start considering what you are saying as one astrologer told a friend, "you will be dead in ten years." Can you imagine a mistake like that? If you tell people that all kinds of terrible things are going to happen to them, it will happen because none of us are positive enough or fearless enough to reject negative ideas or suggestions. We are afraid of the unknown and when someone begins talking about the unknown cautioning us, we are afraid.