Moles or Skin Cancer: How to Tell the Difference

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Have you ever come across a suspicious spot on your body and wondered whether it's moles or skin cancer? Take a look at the signs to watch for to determine whether your concerns about cancer and moles are valid. 

There are certain signs to look out for to tell the difference between a basic, everyday freckle and a cancerous mole. Your monthly self-exam is the first step in recognizing moles and skin cancer (you are doing a monthly exam, right?) and is a great way to keep an eye out for any problems. Self-exams are an excellent way of catching cancer early, when it often can be completely cured or more simply treated. 

First Steps for Spotting Concerns 

The first step to knowing the difference between cancerous and non-cancerous spots is to do a full-body exam. A dermatologist is your best resource for this step. A professional exam will be a clear foundation for identifying both healthy skin and warning signs of cancer. He or she can help you notice what is normal for your body, what to look out for and what can be cancerous. Once you have a baseline, you can watch out for changes in freckles or moles, which could be signs of skin cancer.