Graves' Disease Symptoms: Do You Have Them?

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Symptoms of Graves' Disease 

Because the thyroid affects so many different bodily functions, Graves' disease causes a very diverse set of symptoms. 

Irritability, anxiety, trouble sleeping or restlessness, fatigue or drowsiness might be signs of Graves'. On a related note, muscle weakness or tiredness are also signs of the disease. 

Those with early signs of the disease often have irregular or rapid heartbeat and a slight tremor in the fingers or hands. Excess perspiration, moist skin and heat sensitivity may be apparent. You may find that you have thinning hair or thinning of the skin. 

Have you been eating regularly and still lose weight? These are also Graves' disease symptoms. Also, you may find that you have an increased appetite. This gland is in charge of producing two important hormones: T3 and T4. These hormones help regulate how fast your heart beats as well as your metabolism -- how fast you burn calories.