Do I Have an Overactive Thyroid? What You Need to Know

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Treating an Overactive Thyroid 

The University of Maryland Medical Center explains that treatment will vary from patient to patient, depending on the extent of the condition, the type of hyperthyroidism, the patient's health, and other factors, including patient preference. 

Treatment may include an anti-thyroid drug that can reduce the thyroid hormone levels in the patient's blood. Some may use radioactive iodine to damage thyroid cells, which reduces thyroid hormone production. Other medications may take another approach; for example, beta-blockers block how the body uses thyroid hormone. 

Some patients may need lifetime thyroid treatment to keep hormone levels in check. Meanwhile, surgery to remove the part of the thyroid producing too much hormone may be part of some patients' treatment plans. 

Keep in mind that using anti-thyroid medication and treatment that reduces thyroid hormone levels may increase the risk of hypothyroidism, which is a condition characterized by low thyroid hormone levels in the body. So patients should discuss signs of hypothyroidism with their doctor when starting treatment and report any symptoms; the doctor may have to fine-tune treatment to alleviate symptoms.