Top 10 Home Exercise Routines

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4. Step exercises -- These can provide good cardio benefits as well as toning your legs. Just stand in front of the bottom step on a set of stairs or any other solid surface that is the same height. Step up with one foot and then the other, then step back down with one foot and then the other. Increase the pace for a higher intensity workout.

5. Pushups -- Pushups are great for developing arm, shoulder and chest muscles. If you find them to be too difficult at first, try doing them on your knees instead of with your legs straight out. When you feel that they have become too easy, try them with your legs straight for a more challenging workout.

To really take pushups to the next level, perform them with your legs straight out and your feet elevated on a chair. This method really works the shoulders and chest muscles.

6. Leg Raises -- These are good for toning the abdominal muscles. Simply lie flat on your back and raise your legs about 12 inches off the ground and hold them for 10-15 seconds. If you can't hold them for this long, try doing them with your legs bent.

7. Crunches - These are another good exercise for toning the midsection. To perform crunches correctly, lie on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle and your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms across your chest and curl your upper body up while tucking your chin into your chest. Lift up about 18 inches and press your lower back into the floor. When you feel your abdominal muscles contracting you know you are doing them correctly.