5 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Life

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  • Schedule your workouts early in the day. Especially in the summer months, setting the alarm an hour earlier to fit in your run or ride before the heat and humidity settle in can help you to keep fitness in your routine and can ensure that you're able to stay cooler and breathe easier in the process.
  • Take more steps. While pedometers aren't all the rage the way that they were a few years ago, taking more steps in your day can help to improve your overall fitness level. By parking further away at the grocery store or mall, by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, you'll find that you're able to do more to reach your fitness goals.
  • Add variety. Rather than just running on the treadmill at the gym, take the time to participate in yoga and pilates classes, pedal your way through a spinning class or take your aerobics workout into the pool where increased resistance from the water can help to improve your fitness.
  • Fitness and weight loss aren't just about exercise; on many levels, fitness and weight loss are about the little things and the choices that you make. Sometimes, simply by making small changes, you will find that you are able to make a considerable difference in your lifestyle.