Why A.M. Exercises Can Work

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Most experts suggest exercising at least a few hours before you turn in, if you prefer to work out at night. And a recent article in the New York Times suggests that people have more energy and power when they exercise later in the day. That's because the body is warmer, there is less fluid in the spine and the heart rate can go higher. Exercising in the morning is actually harder for individuals. Regardless of which way the evidence points, it all comes down to personal preference. Try working out at different times throughout the day, and see which one fits your lifestyle best. Although there is evidence supporting late afternoon workouts, an a.m. exercise routine can work if you're careful. If you're engaging in intense physical activity, don't jump right into your regimen. Gradually, work up to that level. Although there are arguments in favor of both morning and evening exercise, the bottom line is that exercise at any point in the day is integral to good health.