Not So Fast: Healthy Fast-Food Choices

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The drive thru doesn't always have to derail your diet. It is possible to stick to your weight-loss program while still hitting your favorite fast-food joints. The secret is to maintain the plan by making smart choices.

Before you order a burger, fries and soda, explore the healthier options available. If you're already turning your nose up at the thought of it, this is sure to put things in perspective. Order a McDonalds Big Tasty, a large fry and a large Coke, and it will cost you a whopping 1,516 calories - an entire day's worth of calories in one meal. Did we mention the 83 grams of fat? That doesn't mean you can't eat at the golden arches or its other fast counterparts, just be certain to see the light. It goes beyond just passing on the super size.