How to Handle an Ingrown Toenail

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Next, your doctor might trim or remove the ingrown part of the toenail, especially if your pain and redness are accompanied by pus. This will allow the skin to heal without being bothered by the nail. Sometimes, a chemical (phenol) or lasers may be used to destroy cells that would allow the nail to grow back.

For recurrent infections, a lateral matricectomy may be performed by a specialist. This procedure removes part of the nail bed.

It's important that you keep your wound clean and follow all of your doctor's orders and maintain follow-up appointments. One major concern is whether your condition will revert back to an ingrown toenail, which is possible even after nail cells have been destroyed.

The best thing to do is take preventive measures. Remember, clip your toenails straight across, and tell your tell your pedicurist to do the same. Also, keep the end of your toenail longer than the edge of the skin on your toe. Toenails that are too short have a good chance of growing into your skin.

Additionally, wear shoes that fit well (no fancy toe pinchers), and keep your feet dry and clean.