Keeping Your Teeth Picture Perfect

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The light is applied in a cycle lasting from one to two hours, and teeth can lighten up to ten shades. Touch-ups are done with your own custom at-home bleaching trays.

Some people feel they have short, stubby teeth, and that there is nothing they can do about it. In reality, their gums simply may have overgrown.

Gum contouring reveals long, beautiful teeth. Although tooth contouring is used to file minor chips and to shape, most contouring takes place with the soft tissues.

Done under local anesthetic, gum contouring may be performed with electrosurgery, blades or soft-tissue laser. Prior to putting on veneers or crowns, some dentists prefer to balance the symmetry of the mouth or solve a "gummy smile" through gum contouring.

Done in-office under local anesthetic, healing takes about two to four weeks. More extensive cases may be referred to a periodontist (gum specialist).

Bonding is the term for applying a soft composite material directly to your teeth and hardening it with light. This can be used for white fillings or on front teeth, where dentists usually use a combination of colors to achieve the natural creamy color along the gum line, lighter color mid-tooth, and translucence on the edge.