Hair, Nails, Skin: Fake It ‘Til You Make It

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Few of us are blessed with Rapunzel hair, radiant skin or a set of perfect nails. But we can be, thanks to beauty products that allow us to fake it. Now we can sport glam locks, dazzling nails and gorgeous skin like we were born with them.

Tempting Tresses: Hair Extensions


Do you have thin hair that needs a boost in the va-va voom department? Have you ever wanted to have longer hair, but only for a day or two? Maybe you’d just like to have that perfect ’do on your wedding day. If any of these scenarios apply to you, hair extensions may be your new BFF.

Hair extensions come in synthetic varieties or may be made of real human hair. They also come as clip-in for temporary length or can be more permanent. Shop around for a product that closely matches your hair color and texture. You may be able to purchase human hair extensions that are professionally dyed to your particular color so they match even better. Some extensions even allow you to dye them yourself.

Make sure the extensions are properly fitted. Traction alopecia -- hair loss brought on by pulling the hair too tight - is a concern for some who use hair extensions. During an appearance on Good Morning America, Dr. Eric Schweiger warned viewers. “If you’re going to do any extensions, just use them for a few hours and take them out. That’s the safest way.”