Dry Winter Skin: How to Deal with it

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Your skin in winter can become very dry - even to the point of being painful. I myself began feeling the effects of the cooler weather in early October. It usually doesn't hit me this hard but this year I'm having a real difficult time with it. My lips became tender and chapped, and I had to switch to a different formula of daily facial cleanser because the exfoliating beads in my current cleanser were irritating my skin. My face became red and flushed. I'll have to limit my daily exfoliation to just twice a week. Also my hands and feet became very dry.

Ah, winter. It can be so peaceful yet so unforgiving. Indoors you're subjected to dry heat and outdoors you're bombarded with harsh winter UV rays from the sun and chilling winds. Yes, the sun's rays are still just as dangerous as they are in the summer and they will reflect off any snowy surfaces, bouncing the rays right back on to you. You're going to need a good facial moisturizer with SPF in it.

Here are some more tips to help you combat dry winter skin:
1)Use a lip balm (preferably with SPF) and do not lick your lips under any circumstances. That just makes it worse.
2)Keep your hands moisturized with a good quality hand cream. Make sure you have a tube of hand cream with you at all times.
3)Drink plenty of water and limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol is a dehydrator.