Choked Up! 7 Foods That Can Kill Your Child

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1. Hot Dogs: Kids love them, but hot dogs also top the list of foods that kids choke on. In food-related asphyxiations of kids 10 and younger, the ballpark staple was the culprit in 17 percent of cases, according to a study done by the AAP.

This food, when not cut properly, fails the size and shape tests. In fact, cutting nickel-shaped slices of hot dogs poses more of a danger than even serving them whole. Circular items are more likely to block the airway, according to the AAP.

"Every food poses a choking risk in young kids, but the hot dog has just the right size and consistency to perfectly block the airway. It's the perfect plug that doesn't allow any air to get through," said Johns Hopkins Children's pediatrician Nisha Kapadia, M.D., during a recent presentation at the hospital. Cut those round slices into quarters or even eighths to make them safer for young kids, and consider not serving hot dogs until age 4.

2. Candy: Not-so-sweet news for anyone trying to quell their little ones' cravings for candy. It sucks, but those hard candies are downright dangerous. Unfortunately, there really isn't any way to get around this hazard -- candy is a major culprit. While a post-meal mint may be seem innocent enough, not so much.

In 2005, two children in New York City died two days apart after choking on those popular peppermint candies. The best way to minimize the risk of such sweet treats? Abstinence. Others that top the list include gum, lollipops, marshmallows, caramels, jelly beans, hard candies and cough drops.