You Can Handle the Tooth

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February is Children's Dental Health Month. That means it's the perfect time to help your kids brush up on their dental hygiene habits. Sadly, many of us are too casual when it comes to brushing up on our oral hygiene. Even as adults, we've gotten in the habit, albeit a bad one, of scrubbing those chompers just once a day. And forget flossing - many kids aren't even familiar with this healthy habit. One study showed that 40 percent of children will actually have a cavity by the time they start school. That number is pretty rotten when you consider there are preventative measures that can be taken. You'll have plenty to smile about when you get your kids on the same page. There's no better time to do it than the present, especially since it's Children's Dental Health Month. Here are a few golden rules to go by. Brush two times a day - at the very least. It's important to get rid of cavity-causing plaque. Of course, it's also important to note that brushing is only half the battle.