June Is National Child Safety Awareness Month

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For most parents, the days of letting their kids run around the neighborhood from sunup to sundown went out with the lax attitude about bike helmets. These days, summer is all about structure for most kids. Whether it's camp, daycare, summer school or other activity, it's important for kids to be supervised. It's hard to hear about kids being taken or hurt, but it does happen, and that's why June is Child Safety Awareness Month. "Child safety is important all year, but summer is an especially important time for parents and children to include safety in their activities," said Ernie Allen, president and CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Keep your kids safe by starting with prevention. Be sure your child knows exactly where you live - street address, city, all applicable phone numbers, and of course how to use the telephone. It's helpful to give kids the number of a trusted adult or neighbor as well. Inform your children of people from whom it's OK to accept car rides.