How to Host a Successful Sleepover

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If the kids are in it for the long haul, then ask your child what might be good activities beforehand - desired movies to watch, outdoor play if weather allows, etc. Unhealthy food is a staple of a successful sleepover, so don't stress about that. Serve foods that are easy to vacuum up, like popcorn, pretzels and M&Ms. For meals, some assembly required can help while away the hours before bed. Try a taco or pizza bar, subs, or smoothies. For breakfast, don't try to wow the kids with a bunch of pancakes and omelets - simply serve muffins, cereals, bagels, fruit and other convenient foods in order to get them out the door quickly. To quell (most) unruliness during the sleepover, make the rules of your home explicit right off the bat as you tell kids about the night's activities. Be sure to emphasize lights-out time, and give a 10-minute warning before it's time. Being tired the next day is to be expected, but be sure everyone has a good time by following these guidelines.