10 Economical Ways to Have Fun

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8. Get Crafty

Hit up the local craft store for construction paper, googly eyes, glitter, glue sticks, stickers, paints and markers and sit down with the kids for an afternoon of creative expression. You can set up outside on nice days, or throw down a tarp and take the mess-and fun-inside when it's rainy or windy.

9. For Just The Two of You

Replace Saturday night out with a Saturday afternoon on the town. You're more likely to get a babysitter, lunch is cheaper than dinner and matinees are always a better deal. Plus, you can focus on different types of activities, like browsing a flea market or art festival, riding bikes together or going on a picnic.

10. Spontaneous Afternoon Road-trip

Make your only splurge to fill up the gas tank and grab a few road snacks, then hit the pavement for a brief road-trip. You can plot out your course by choosing a route on a scenic highway, or live more spontaneously by simply hitting the interstate and letting your kids randomly select an exit or direction of travel. You may wind up going in circles or you may not make it more than 10 miles out of town, but the point really isn't the destination; it's all about the journey.