Must-Have Sex Toys

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Sex toys can be a great addition to your bedroom antics, whether you are using them with a partner or by yourself. Through thousands of years of design innovation-yes, even cavemen (and women) used primitive sex toys-we've come a long way in sex toy function and design, practically assuring that your perfect sex toy is already out there, just waiting for you to find it.


Types of Sex Toys

Sex toys come in a huge assortment of shapes, sizes, styles, textures, and functions, so it's important to think about the kind of sensation you would like a toy to provide in order to determine which one is right for you.

Some sex toys are meant for external use only, while others can be used internally as well. Once again, it's all about what you are looking to get out of your sexual play.

Here are some basic descriptions of a few of the most popular types of sex toys:

Vibrators - Basically anything that vibrates is a vibrator, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Vibrators can be designed for external use, internal use, or both.

Penis Rings - These are actual rings that can fit on the base of a penis (or around the penis and scrotum) to enhance sensation by constricting blood flow, which can create longer and firmer erections in some men.