The Fundamentals of Scientology

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The word, Scientology means the study of truth and stems from two words: The Latin word, "scio" which means "knowing the fullest sense of the word" and the Greek word, "logos" which translates to "study of."

This relatively new religion studies the spirit (or Thetan as Scientologists call it) and its relationship with all other life forms surrounding it. The main benefit from converting to Scientology is a state of "Clear," which will lead to complete harmony with all things around you. There are a number of truths cited in the study of Scientology, in particular the following two:

1. Man is an immortal and spiritual being whose existence extends beyond a single lifetime. Man's capabilities are unlimited (although greatly unrealized). Through the study of Scientology, he can realize these capabilities, solve his own problems, achieve lasting happiness and achieve a new, higher state of awareness and ability.

2. Whilst studying Scientology, no one is asked to accept anything on belief or faith alone. "That which is true for you is what you have observed to be true." Individuals learn that Scientology works by personally applying its principles and thus experiencing results.

According to Scientology, there are also three parts to man; Mind, Thetan and Body. Thetan (from the Greek letter "Theta" which means "thought") is also known as the spirit which is the individual himself. The mind is the vessel that Thetan uses to communicate with the environment around him whilst the body bares little importance. It is merely a vehicle in which Thetan lies.

The religion was founded by American Science Fiction writer, L Ron Hubbard in the late 1950s. Born in Nebraska in 1911, Hubbard published a book called Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health in which he claimed to have isolated the "dynamic principle of existence." The book is so important and central to the theory of Scientology that believers not only dubbed it "Book One," but they created their own calendar based on the book's publication date. 2008, for example, is seen as 58AD; 58 years After Dianetics.