Which Element of the Horoscope Are You?

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No doubt that millions of persons begin their journey rushing through the newspapers to see the daily horoscope. We want the horoscope to tell us positive things will happen in the next 24 hours, like how somebody will look at us nicely, how fast we will be rich, or our love compatibility. In contrast, we are less interested to come up with a horror-scopes like "today is not your day for love, business deals are not in the stars for you today."

But first of all, which element of the horoscope are you? Hmm? Don't really know what the horoscope is? Well, the horoscope is an astrological chart for a specific person or group that correlates each zodiac sign as they are crossed by the Sun, Moon and planets and the position of planets in astrology. Now, the elements Fire, Earth, Air and Water are based on ancient Greek philosophy; they are the building blocks of life: the solid earth upon which we stand, the running water we use as a resource, the air we breathe and the fire which keeps us warm and aids in the creation of additional resources. The horoscope elements reflect a quality of human nature and correspond also with the Tarot: Fire = Wands; Earth = Coins; Air = Swords; Water = Cups.

Here are the list of the Sun Signs elements, but if you still don't know, ask mom for your birthday and keep reading this: 1. Earth Signs

Well-grounded, and realistic, your earth sign makes sure you stay in the real world. When it comes to friendship, no one is more rock steady than you. A builder of long-lasting bonds, you are talented in business and good with money. You find fulfillment in seeing tangible results for your efforts.