Is Astrology a True Science?

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When looking within your inner mirror through meditation you attain intuition. Then it will not be necessary to depend upon the limited knowledge of predictive sciences like astrology. You will then have your decoding machine through which you will be able to see the future not from astrological, palm readings or the tarot. You are going to see directly everything concerning you what is coming in the future and therefore you can begin to change. The calm neutralized mind sees all events of the future that appears vividly.

This is the reason astrological analysis when practiced by astrologers with unawakened intuition is inexact. The predictive science of astrology when derived through the all-knowing attunement of God's divine consciousness becomes eternally true. Therefore these illuminated seers can perceive directly the mathematical effects from a person's past-life actions and the accompanying details of forthcoming events.

Once in a while, veiled in complete mystery definite prophecies are hidden in complex languages and are offered to mankind to reawaken faith and hope of the subtle presence of the hand of God in creation. The same as the movie-director plans out the various scenes in his filming to be projected at the correct and proper time likewise God with His angelic helpers arrange the moment in time for the projection and manifestation of certain magnificent events in the universe. As there is a proper time for all things, the universe runs like a clock mathematically adjusted by the fingers of God and His angelical assistants. When the minds of mundane people are encircled with the inky-mist of ignorance, God sends his prophets and saviors at certain periods in time to redeem the souls that are sunken in darkness. Even the unbelievers are convinced when enlightened seers make prophecies of fourth coming events.