Astrology Shadow Signs

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A LAZY LEO will do everything to woo you ... date you, charm you, move in with you, impregnate you and spend Christmas dinner with your family, yet, while filling out a job application, still check the box that says his status is "single."

A VENGEFUL VIRGO will turn up his nose at your taste and then slowly begin to mold you into his vision of the perfect woman. You can never please him, but if you try to leave, he will stalk you for the rest of your life to try and get you back.

A LASCIVIOUS LIBRA is the first to tell you "I love you, but I'm not in love you." He might as well pee on your leg and then tell you it's raining... soon you get the sense he/she are keeping their options open in case someone better comes along...

A SCHEMING SCORPIO is voted most likely to try and convince you to have sex without a condom. Later on in the relationship, he will also try to convince you that having three-way sex with a hired prostitute is the only way to save your relationship.

A SILLY SAGGITARIUS will chase you and woo you until he has pierced you with his arrow of love. You'll soon realize your just another pelt on this hunter's belt after he tells you all about his plans for his next romantic conquest, shortly after having sex with you.